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High Efficiency Cyclones

RSG manufactures air cyclones on a custom design basis. All of our high efficiency cyclones are engineered to suit your specific application. All cyclone separators are for dry gas/particle separations. The range of cyclones is broadly divided in two series.


PE (premium efficiency) This is a high efficiency cyclone used where collection efficiency is of prime importance.

SE (standard efficiency) where pressure drop is of prime importance.


For custom applications  we maintain a fully equipped test system and particle size laboratory.

PE 65 cyclone nominal gas flow 15 000 cfm 


Cyclone separator used in a coal grinding circuit 

PE 1.5 cyclones


10 cfm cyclones

PE 65 cyclone nominal gas flow 15 000 cfm 


Cyclone separator used in a coal grinding circuit 

Toner separation system


Toy cyclones!


PE 4.3 test cyclone setup


FloWorks analysis

Cyclone set.JPG
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